My personal thoughts on The Times article published 08/01/24
Firstly, it is a tragedy that these deaths have happened and what we are petitioning for is to prevent situations like these from occurring. We are requesting for updated guidance and training in using clozapine correctly, therapeutic drug monitoring to be carried out for serum levels plus ANC with the finger stick test along with an in depth set of guidelines to be produced for all Trusts to follow and dedicated clozapine clinics and helpline.
The title is distorted, and misleading, documented evidence clearly show that clozapine SAVES lives, as stated in the subtitle ‘clozapine has transformed lives of thousands of schizophrenia patients.’ ‘reducing suicidal thoughts, a major killer in schizophrenia and allowing many to lead more independent lives’
Clozapine has been ‘linked’ not proven to directly cause deaths. The article states ‘the figures are not conclusive proof that clozapine is the cause of death, they record deaths of people on the drug, not simply because of it.’
How accurate is The Times ‘data’?
Nikki Holmes from NHS is stating there needs to be more education on the use of clozapine and that the NHS need to learn and share information on mistakes to prevent them from happening again.
As a carer I believe this is a huge issue across all aspects of the NHS, no one takes responsibility for mistakes, mistakes are not highlighted for employees to learn from, the same mistakes continue to happen repeatedly, at the detriment of our loved ones.
I believe the article is also highlighting the importance of listening to families concerns and acting upon them, this still does not happen, and this is another reason why mistakes keep being made.
As stated in the article ‘there is a lack of understanding’. I believe clozapine is not the danger, the danger is in its incorrect use, lack of knowledge, guidance and understanding. These deaths could potentially have been prevented if the updates and improvements we are requesting are implemented.
Living with someone who suffers from psychosis not only has a huge detrimental impact on the person but every family member as well. Clozapine is the only medication which has helped my daughter. For my daughter and our family clozapine has been lifesaving.