My understanding is that finding the right medication is key to beginning recovery, but CBT for psychosis can also play a part. Unfortunately my daughter is still unwilling to partake in any form of talking therapy. I have accepted that there is no point trying to push her into CBT therapy until she feels ready.
What I have found extremely helpful is to have an understanding of how CBT for psychosis can be used in the home environment. I believe this is something that all carers should initially be taught, which could be a huge benefit to families.
Dr Douglas Turkington has created some extremely helpful You Tube videos on helping families have a greater understanding on mental illness, here is the link Douglas Turkington Nami there are 6 sessions.
Douglas has also written a number of books, including Back to Life, Back to Normality volume 2, which is CBT informed recovery for families with relatives with schizophrenia to help family members without psychiatric training, learn how to listen, interact and communicate their support.
I wish I had known the information Douglas has so kindly provided at the start of my daughters illness, it could have helped prevent so many heated arguments because I had no understanding of this illness and how best to communicate with my daughter. I believe it should be standard procedure to provide carers with this information.