I am a huge supporter of Team Daniel I wanted to share a few reasons why I know Dr Laitman and Dr Mandel really understand SMI and really care. I don’t feel these things are acknowledged or understood enough:
Someone who is unwell and suffering from anosognosia does not have the capacity to make the correct decisions about their medication and will often make the wrong choices
Masking is very common
What LOs say to psychiatrists vs what is happening are very different
LOs poor ability to self assess
The patient centre care approach does not work for people with anosognosia and psychosis, families need to be included
The vital importance of including families and that they also need support
Therapy will only help if the person is well enough to meaningfully participate
Not being able to engage in own mental and physical well being is not through choice it’s part of illness
The importance of having a good social network and peer support
It’s not just using clozapine, it’s using clozapine correctly and optimising to its full potential
People can return to their baseline with the correct support and when clozapine is used correctly
The therapeutic window is when most people start to respond to clozapine, most people need higher levels to be able to achieve a MEANINGFUL RECOVERY
We are campaigning for Dr Laitman’s protocol to be followed in the UK, please support us to make this happen 💕